Avworx LLC Video Analysis
The Two-Step Program
This custom video covers two steps to help your website obliterate obscurity:
- OnPage SEO – Putting meat on them bones
- OffPage SEO – Increasing your authority with the quantity AND quality of your site’s reputation
SEO simply stands for Search Engine Optimization and what it entails is maximizing your website to increase it’s visibility on the web. Many business owners set up a website and pay out the nose for advertising in hopes their website will eventually make them money.
The problem with this, is the website itself isn’t geared toward every day people who are pre-qualified buyers looking for your services. Putting more TLC into your website and its reputation and understanding the competition in your niche and local area can drastically improve your results – causing your phone to go off with service calls from people looking for exactly the types of services you provide.
If you have any questions, we are an open book and would love to help you understand the exact strategy to overcome obscurity and compete in your field.
For more information, please contact jason@redstaindesigns.com